We as Muslims believe in Allah’s divine decree and place our reliance on Allah, and turn to Him in humble request for the well-being of us all. But we are also required by our faith to take all reasonable precautions. WISE are carefully monitoring the ongoing situation concerning the Coronavirus and are following advice from experts.
With that in mind please read all the following points carefully
Anyone with even mild cold symptoms is advised to pray at home in order to avoid potential spreading of Covid-19 – This applies to all prayers and gatherings
- Jumu’ah: Elderly (60 and over) are advised to pray Dhuhr at home as there is a higher chance of catching the virus in large congregations and the impact to the elderly is likely to be more harmful
- General Jama’ah Prayers: The advice to the elderly remains the same – pray at home and try to establish congregational prayer at home.
- Try and perform wudu before coming to the Masjid – Wash your hands additionally on arrival at the Masjid
- Avoid using any Masjid towels – Towels have been removed from the Masjid and tissues should be readily available – Any towels seen should not be used
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid physical contact where possible with others – this includes shaking hands, hugging and other forms of physical greetings
- Pray your sunnah prayers at home and not at the Masjid
- Try to bring your own prayer mat to the Masjid
- If anyone has been diagnosed and has attended the Masjid let the WISE Shura know immediately (or email [email protected])
- Anyone who has had secondary contact should not come to the Masjid
- Make regular du’a that Allah keeps the community safe and strong
Further updates will be provided as and when necessary