Ramadan’s been different this year, and there have been challenges – but you know what? It’s been great!!
You as a community have been amazing. Sensible, measured and following government guidelines. Keep it up!
WISE achieved so much this Ramadan by Allāh’s grace
Check out the YouTube video here
From releasing a series of info-graphics giving advice and guidance for the unique situation we find ourselves in, as well as daily reminders giving practical tips to improve the quality of our relationship with Allah, to the initiatives listed below:
1) Hello!
a) Serving the whole community – Muslim and non-Muslim – offering shopping, deliveries, prescriptions and more to the elderly or those in isolation.
b) Providing free food packs to the needy
c) Great collaboration with lots of different local groups such as the council, social services, NHS Bucks etc.
d) Setting up our own private food bank at the HIVE
And our service simply shone!! Our volunteers are just awesome!
2) Supporting One Can Trust Foodbank
Our dedicated team of volunteers was there front and centre, helping make up food packs and deliver to the need
3) Supporting Wycombe Refugee Partnership
Our volunteers delivered regular free meals and food to refugee families in High Wycombe and those seeking asylum
4) Gifts to the NHS Staff at Wycombe General Hospital
We delivered 300 gift packs to the NHS staff as a small token of appreciation for all the amazing work they are doing
We had so much happening online for the whole community, in addition to signposting the community to excellent online material for them to follow, not to mention the WISE Madrasah, Salaam Academy continuing its brilliant work online.
Gems from the Qur’an
Daily sessions explaining a passage from each juzz of the Qur’an, extracting inspiring points of benefit with the goal of connecting our hearts to Allah’s Book
Qur’an Reminders
Regular Qur’an based reminders to inspire us and help connect us to Allah’s word on dedicated whatsapp groups for brothers and sisters.
Project Ramadan
Interactive sessions for boys to help make them most of Ramadan through fun activities, discussions, coaching sessions and stories from the Qur’an.
The Thoughtful Muslimah
Great discussions, thought provoking insights into good character, fun craft activities and excellent tarbiya for our girls. They really enjoyed creating beautiful journals throughout Ramadan
Story Night
Twice weekly sessions for boys and girls – our story tellers told inspirational tales to our kids, great tarbiya and lessons before bedtime!
Sisters English Qur’an Dawra
Completing the entire Qur’an, a juzz a day, with a daily lesson and a daily recap lesson. The feedback was that this was the best ever Dawra! Around 30-50 sisters attended daily.
Sisters Urdu Qur’an Dawra
Completing the entire Qur’an. Everyday the sisters listened to a Juzz and shared their learning points, increasing their imaan daily. From young people to elders, all across the world, sisters were inspired by the wisdom within the Quran. Regular attendance of 60 sisters daily
Sisters English Tafsir
An amazing and inspiring online tafsir especially tailored for Ramadan, with a huge attendance!
Tawjeed Classes for brothers and sisters
Running throughout the week for basic, intermediate and advanced levels, helping us improve our recitation of the Qur’an
Let’s Learn Arabic
Lets Learn Arabic series for girls has transformed complete beginners to students with a good grip on grammar and key vocabulary. The girls and parents have highly praised the most excellent teacher for her knowledge, brilliant teaching skills and resources.
The Friday Circle
For teenage boys, understanding the Qur’an in a fun and interactive fashion
The Sunday Circle
Taking you on a journey with the soul from death to the Afterlife
Community Lectures
Two inspiring lectures by Sh Abu Abdisssalam and Ustadh Yahya Raaby
WISE Welfare
A huge effort is being undertaken providing local relief and also international relief to support those suffering from Covid-19 in areas of Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, India, Pakistan and Burma. We also helped set up a dedicated Ramadan Kitchen in Myanmar for our Rohingya brothers and sisters.
We had regular online collections for multiple different causes, local and international. Sadaqa, Zakah, Fitr and Fidya were all collected. By Allah’s grace, across all our Ramadan appeals we raised over £115k!!
To give zakah click here
To donate towards the COVID-19 relief effort click here
To donate towards the Rohingya appeal click here
COVID-19 Ghusl & Janazah
A united effort with all local Masjids to set up a dedicated ghusl facility for those of our brothers and sisters who passed away from Covid-19. This included procuring necessary PPE equipment and training up our volunteers to safely wash infected bodies. May Allah have mercy on all our deceased.